Did P90X3 Yoga last night and then Total Synergistics early this morning to start off my new year Beachbody challenge. The back to back workouts with only 4 1/2 hours of sleep completely kicked my butt. I definitely didn't put everything into the workout this morning, I was drained. Luckily now I'm back to the regular morning workout schedule so it will be easier next time. Just can't miss anymore workouts!!
Last night was my second time doing the yoga workout and I definitely saw a difference. It took a few times but I was actually able to get up into crow and hold it long enough for the hubs to get a picture for me. I'll admit, the first few attempts I ate the exercise mat. Or more like gravity force fed it to me by slamming it into my face. But my competitive nature hated that there was something my husband could do that I couldn't even attempt so I was determined to get my feet up off the ground and hold that pose! I regretted it a little this morning when I couldn't hold my plank because my wrists hurt too much, but my pride still thinks it was completely worth it.
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